I came across an interesting article that I wanted to share about making breakthrough's in your life and making your dreams become reality.
9 Ways to Spark a Breakthrough
1. Go Public - Voice your ideas. Put them out into the world rather than keeping them tucked away in a notebook.
2. Join the Club
- Find like minded people either online or in a community group.
3. Confront the Risks
- Look at the consequences of making changes; ie. less money for a a period of time.
4. When in Doubt, DIY - If help isn't falling into your lap, is there another way to approach the situation/problem?
5. Rely on the Kindness of Strangers
- If you are having trouble financing your ideas try a global approach.
Kickstarter (a Web site for creative types), allows you to post detailed proposals online and solicit pledges to make them happen. Also see
IndieGoGo and
6. Know Your Strengths- Look at your strengths and how you can use them to your benefit and to the benefit of others.
7. Spread the Word - Create a public forum to discuss your ideas and start a conversation; ie. blog.
8. Cultivate Wonder
- Be curious and take joy in wonder. Try to get out of your usual thinking patterns.
9. Embrace Your Critics - Take in constructive criticism and let go of the rest. Nobody said that climbing a mountain or building a business was easy.
Read the full article
I hope you get as much out of it as I did.